Sunday, August 2, 2015

Taste of the Caribbean: Pineapple Grilled Chicken w/ Mango Salsa

 Doug and I have been looking forward to this recipe all week. LITERALLY all week. We wanted something that tasted good but also had that "wow" factor.

 Ok.. we really just wanted something that makes it look like we know how to cook.

 So, if you want to make something for your friends that gives them the illusion that you know your way around a kitchen.. THIS is the recipe for you!

Bottoms up!!
Our first batch of "TERROR"  
 Before hitting the kitchen, 
Doug had the pleasure of trying out one of NUBody Nutritions upcoming products... 

 After a lot of research and a ton of youtube videos, we finally took the plunge and ordered all the ingredients to start our own line of pre-workout, Terror. We had plans to sample the first batch together but since I wasn't feeling well
Doug and his friend, Gary, 
had the honor of being the guinea pigs... and from what I understand.. it was off the CHAIN.

"Beep Beep"

  They took the concoction, hit the gym, and next thing I know Doug's in the driveway looking up roadrunner photos on his phone in an attempt to describe to Gary how he's feeling. No lie. This is the one I caught him googling..

Now, back to dinner - here is what you need for the FABULOUS

Pineapple Grilled Chicken w/ Mango Salsa.

Jerk Marinade (We used Masterpiece)
Pineapple (Save the pineapple bark when you cut this up!)
Lemon Juice
Lime Juice
Red, Green & Yellow Bell Pepper
Green Onion

Doug prepared the Mango Salsa ahead of time so it could chill in the refrigerator. (I highly suggest this because it was AMAZING on top of the spicy chicken.) It's super simple. Cut up 2 mangos, the pineapple, bell peppers, green onion and jalapeno. Combine in a bowl and stir in about 2 tablespoons of lime juice, a tablespoon of lemon juice, about 3 tablespoons of finely chopped cilantro.

(This is also a great time to marinade that chicken!)

Now here's the part that makes you look better than Emeril.. take the pineapple bark that you saved from earlier, lay it flat on your cutting board and put a piece of chicken on it. 
Cover it with another piece of pineapple bark and tie it with kitchen twine. 
(We didn't have any twine so we skipped that last step.)

If you did it right, it should look something like this.

 Now pop those babies on the grill and cook them until they're done! As you can see, we have some chicken not wrapped in pineapple bark. There are two reasons for this. #1. We have a small army to feed and that's a lot of pineapple to be buying. #2. Ain't nobody got the money for that.

Can you smell what the grill is cookin'?
Fun Fact.. this is about the time Doug ran in the house from the grill.. Practically took out a wall trying to get his flip flops on and then ran back outside. BEYOND interested in what was going on, I followed him.. only to wish I hadn't. When I got out side, Doug was in the yard.. chasing a chicken. Yes. You read that correctly. He was chasing a chicken around the backyard.. Guess you could say he was "Terrorizing" the local poultry..  This pre-workout is proving to be QUITE interesting.. 
Glad I wasn't in the first round of testing!

Again, if you did it right - it should look something like this.

Once they're finished (12-15 minutes each side) pull them off the grill and they're ready to serve!  We had ours over brown rice (steamed in chicken broth) and served with a Jamaican Side Salad.

Please: Don't lick the screen.

And there you have it! A fabulous, healthy, home cooked meal and you barely had to lift a finger. 
Ok, well I didn't have to lift a finger.. you may have to..

Until next week, we leave you with a full tummy and an empty plate!